Integrated Movement

We are designed to move. We are incredible and complex organisms, each with our own perspective, consciousness, and experiences. My approach to working with movement is that of building self-empowerment through curiosity, exploration, and learning to trust our innate inner guidance. Our bodies are intelligent beings. We have an enormous capacity to live and move with ease and joy for the entire length of our lives. I take my experience of exploring yoga and many other types of embodied movement practices I have dived into over the last 17 years, and integrate them into customized classes for you. My goal is to help you uncover for yourself your own innate power and health through the exploration of movement and sensation.

Embodied Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice. This very simple practice can also sometimes be a challenging. Being with ourselves without distractions or judgment is not always easy. But it can change us. Balance us. And help us integrate the experiences, patterns, and “story” of our lives. My intention is to give you the tools and resources to help you integrate body and mind with gentle guidance and through the exploration of sensation. This work is meant to help bridge the so-called “gap” between body and mind, and increase our capacity for physical and emotional wellness.

RockStack Balance Still Square

Feet around the Circle squared

Meditation Bowl Set square