an important message from Jenn

Today is the New Moon in Capricorn, the 11th day of the 1st month of 2024 (and 8 year).

There is something interesting about today’s astrology and the message I need to share with you that I find both curious and perfect.

9 years.
9 years is a full cycle.

9 years in Mexico.
9 years living as an immigrant.
9 years building a business.
9 years.

9 years of lessons, of grief, of deep introspection.
9 years of learning to things I never imagined I would – or could – do.
I’ve arrived at the end.

I honestly never imagined I would be here, or be writing this.
I imagined that this 9 year place would look and feel a whole lot different.
I imagined that all of my manifestations, hopes, and dreams would all be realized.
I imagined my life would look and feel a whole lot different.
It’s taken me a while to actually sit down and write this. Maybe perhaps because there’s part of me that is still in disbelief or hanging onto a thread of something somewhere for later, just in case.
But it must be done.

When someone dies, we have a ritual.
There is a funeral, and in some cultures, the ritual is more elaborate, and takes into consideration that endings and griefs are a process.

We all need closure.
Whether it’s the ending we wanted or not, somehow the ending is as important as the initiation.
One of my teachers says that to our ancestors, the birth-death continuum is a mirror to what we experience. When we welcome a new baby into this world, they grieve the death of that soul from the realm of the ancestors, and when we die, our families and friends grief our loss, while the ancestors welcome us back into birth – a returning home to our ancestors.

We have met and connected with each other in different ways. Some of you, I’ve known for a long time, others a short time. Some of you are connected to me via my work – whether somatic, nervous system, trauma, intuitive coaching, the Akasha or tarot – and some of you because we met surfing, or knitting, or writing, or just passing each other by in some other way.
There really is no easy way to say this, so I suppose I just need to say the thing.
After 9 years, I have decided to permanently close my Craniosacral, somatic, intuitive healing & coaching practice.
I don’t know what is next for me.

I just know that this is a huge chapter in my life that needs to be closed.
I will be continuing to share my writing. It’s something I actually started many years ago way before my business via a blog I called “Finding Ease”, which eventually evolved into my business website,
Now, I’ve moved my blogging space to a separate website,

So for now the Moved From Within website will continue to exist as is, as there are generally helpful resources there, and new writings will be posted on my personal blog when spirit moves me to share.
If you are in connection with me via email, I will continue to share when spirit moves me and I welcome being in connection with you if it feels right for you too.

I think that’s it.

I’m not sure what else to say here, so I will just end with my deep expression of gratitude.
Thank you to all of you who I have worked with, known, or perhaps have never connected with.
I thank you for your presence, your beingness in the world.

A special thank you to those who I have had the pleasure to walk with on your most intimate dance with spirit. Thank you for allowing me to bear witness to your unfolding.
It has been quite the journey.
