I’ve done so much “self improvement” – so why isn’t it working?

angry cat

I see you …

Drinking your kale smoothie, doing your meditations …

You’re taking the classes, you’re reading the books, you’re doing the DAMN work!

So why isn’t it working?

Why do you still feel like screaming at your husband when he leaves the seat up?

Why do you still feel your blood boil at the stupidest little things?!

Haven’t we evolved yet?!?

Maybe you’re asking yourself “haven’t I evolved yet?” “am I capable of this?” “how can I really be a better person?” “does it really have to feel this hard?”

Maybe there is a soft voice in your head asking “why do I keep repeating this shit?” “what’s wrong with me?”


I’ve been there. Felt the battle going on between my higher self – or my “higher consciousness”  or God or whatever you want to call her – and my “human” self – you know … the one who gets pissed off at people still even with all of the meditating and yoga classes.

I used to feel that I was a failure at this whole spiritual thing. I would swing between feeling “holier than though” on my highs, seeing my thoughts drift away like little clouds thinking, “DAMN, girl! You’ve got this! You’ve finally achieved this whole meditation bliss!”  … to getting  promptly dropped on my ass through the harsh reality check of getting into an argument with my co-worker on some stupid shit … or letting someone get under my skin and finding myself going over the same thought over and over and over again, lecturing them in my mind of how THEY need to get over THEIR anger issues and projections … sigh …

Here is the problem: we think it’s either or. We are either spiritual/evolved/etc. or we are neanderthals … classic dualism.

This is both the problem & the solution. We think it has to be either or – and this is reenforced by EVERYTHING around us.

How many times have you thought …

If I just get over my block once and for all, my life would all just easily fall into place …

If I just get over my fear of commitment I could quite my job and move to Mexico …

If I could just ….

But it just doesn’t work that way, love … sorry …

That’s the bad news … the GOOD news is there is a way … but you’re going to have to do a 180 degree shift on your approach.

There is a REASON the same blocks come up time and time again. It’s because you’re not dealing with the underlying issue – and if you think you are, you’re not – that’s why it keeps coming back over and over. If you could just unblock that damn chakra it would just stay unblocked! There is something deeper going on, love …

And you can’t just deal with it on the same level that got you there in the first place.

My question to you is this: Are you ready to deal with it once and for all? Do you have the courage to take a look at what you’ve been avoiding for probably a really long time?

If you are ready to see real change in your life, I can help you to close the gap – I know because I’ve been there myself. And I would never ask something of you that 1) I don’t believe is possible and 2) I haven’t proven and tested to work in my own body & life.

Here IS what’s possible:

  • Being in control of your health, emotional state of being, and life.
  • Feeling empowered & free from your habits, blocks, and old programming.
  • Living an abundant state of joy.
  • Witnessing how your world starts to shapeshift around you as you make small internal changes.
  • Waking up feeling AMAZING, vital, relaxed and free from anxiety & worry.

And yes, it IS possible to break the cycle of either or. It IS possible to break free of the cycle of guilt and self punishment and actually practice the BEINGNESS of being a light being!

It’s not either or … it’s BOTH … at the same time … it’s allowing the INTELLIGENCE of your humanness to come through and be a tool you can use to accelerate your spiritual & personal growth!

A better life … and world really are possible. You get to chose.

Are you ready to close the gap? Find out more about what’s holding you back? Send me an email or you can book a call with me.

You are not alone. Chose the path of least resistance.

Chose LOVE.