November New Moon Wisdom

new moon

This is Life!

And it’s beautiful!

Most of the time.

Except for when it’s not …

I know, I know … I always go there …

Because it’s important. It’s important to continue to acknowledge the unacknowledged.

Because little by little, we shed a bit more light and a bit more love on the places that need it the most.

Because it’s part of life.

At the start of the month here in Mexico we celebrate Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos …
We CELEBRATE! We honour transition, we honour the life cycle, we dance with death so that we can better understand life.

This new moon, I invite you to ponder and reflect: where have you come from and where are you going to?
What has died to make space for life? And what new life are you now welcoming, preparing for?
How can you tend to the energies of your garden so that this new life flourishes with wild abandon?

Many people wait until the new year to make their plans and resolutions … but why not now?
Now is the time to look at what energies we want to lay down … what’s the foundation that will support our dreams & endeavours into the winter season?

Take your time …
Tend to your garden …
Plant your seeds in well composted soil …

With love always,

PS – Are you DONE with allowing the many masks of fear to keep you where you are? Are you ready to tend to your energy and body like a well cared for garden and see it flourish with growth? If you are ready to ready to break free from your cycles of pre-programmed beliefs that no longer serve you … If you are ready to take back your power to CHOSE, let’s chat.
I have a couple of ways to work with me 1:1 opening. Simply hit reply to this email or book a time so we can chat about what’s holding you back by clicking HERE and booking a call on my calendar.