Living Your Boundaries: Being You in the Real World

If you have a hard time with boundaries, you are not alone!

We all struggle with creating, maintaining, and EMBODYING healthy boundaries.

I mean this is REAL LIFE!

We try but often it can feel like we fall into the same old traps over and over again.

In this FREE 3 part PLAYshop, we are going to:

  • LEARN when and HOW to say “NO” and “YES”!
  • Find out why “letting go” doesn’t work and what we NEED to do instead
  • Learn why mindfulness ALONE isn’t enough and uncover the missing links to embody healthy boundaries in your REAL life, both inside and OUTSIDE of your yoga practice!


  • Notebook & pen
  • Open mind & heart
  • Willingness to learn, IMPLEMENT, and ask questions

xo, Jenn

PS – this series was originally from a Facebook live series I ran, so please excuse the references to “Facebookland” lol!

Also, please excuse the patchy quality at times as I am filming with poor internet connection 🙂

Part 1: Living Your Boundaries BEFORE we can let stuff go & FLOW, we need THIS

Part 2: Why mindfulness ALONE isn’t enough

PART 3: How to patch the holes & repair our Sacred Boundaries

The link for the homePLAY in Part 3 can be found HERE